star crossed slouchy beret


side view

Well, this was a surprisingly quick knit. Probably because it’s knitted on size 11 (8mm) needles. I started it at our Ravelry Sit ‘n Stitch yesterday afternoon. That was a very pleasant couple of hours, sitting outside a downtown arts centre with a few other knitters.

top view

It’s the Star Crossed Slouchy Beret which is a free pattern available through Ravelry. I used only one ball of Lion Brand Vanna’s Choice in Cranberry. I finished it in the evening while watching GI Joe with the family.

bathroom mirror shot

I’m pleased with it. It actually looks OK on me, though I have yet to figure out how much hair to leave out/tuck in.

It’s been a nice long weekend. Tai Chi Man had Thursday off for Canada Day, then took Friday off too (along with thousands of others, I’m sure). It’s really given him a good opportunity to de-stress after his Vancouver trip at the beginning of the week.

My backache is still there, ever so slightly, but better than it was. I asked NinjaBoy to help me with my cleaning job today, just to save my back. I didn’t want to heave the vacuum cleaner up the stairs at the office and make things worse again. With two of us working, it only took an hour and a half (yes, he really did spend the whole time vacuuming – there’s a LOT of carpet). He found it a lot of work, but was happy with the money.

Tonight we went out to eat at our favourite restaurant. It’s the only vegan place in town and sadly has to close sometime this year because the building they’re in is being knocked down and redeveloped. Boo!

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