


The boys were quite glad that I decided to make breakfast today (usually it’s a “get-it-yourself” meal) and it was pretty good!

Here’s the recipe….


4 cups flour (preferably whole grain)

1 tablespoon baking powder

half teaspoon salt

4 tablespoons olive oil

1.5 cups water

a little extra olive oil for cooking

Mix all in a bowl then knead on a floured surface for a couple of minutes.  Pat out into a large circle.

Heat a large frying pan with a small amount of olive oil (medium heat) and put the dough in.

Cook for 10 minutes until golden on the bottom.

Turn it out onto a plate, add a little more olive oil to the pan, swirl it around and slide the bannock back into the pan to cook the other side for another 10 minutes.

Cut it into wedges (this is a good way to check that it’s cooked all the way through) and serve with….

Earth Balance Buttery Spread and rice syrup (mmm mmm)

or butter/jam/honey/fruit preserves/whatever you like 🙂

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